This fall, Harper is kicking off an exciting course design review process that encourages continuous improvement to online and blended course design and accessibility!

The five year course design review cycle will involve all online and hybrid courses. Each semester, over the next five years, a group of online and blended courses will be reviewed. The Open SUNY Course Quality Review (OSCQR) rubric will be utilized, by Harper-trained peer reviewers, to guide the process of analyzing the rubric standards and comparing them to the design of the distance courses. This review process will produce valuable feedback on the current strengths of the design and accessibility of the courses, as well as possible ideas for enhancement.

The Academy for Teaching Excellence is excited to help facilitate this five year course design review process.

If you have taught an online or hybrid course within the past three semesters, and would like to join the group of trained, Harper peer reviewers, then please register for the Enhancing Distance Course Design Using the OSCQR Rubric online workshop that will run from October 30 – November 12, 2017. Learn more and register online now.

For additional information about the course review process, please feel free to contact Jenny Henrikson, Distance Education Instructional Design Specialist, at or 847.925.6724.

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